
5 Key Learning Theories behind think! Mathematics

21 March 2018

think! Mathematics is a series of textbooks that is adapted from approaches used in Singapore, which emphasize the use of problem solving. The series is specially designed to engage students so that they are able to build a solid foundation in Mathematics.

Written in accordance with extensively-researched approaches used in Singapore, it adopts a spiral design with the integration of the concrete-pictorial-abstract (C-P-A) approach, careful variation and the use of problem solving, which are integral features of the learning process.

The five main learning theories used in the design of the lessons in this textbooks series include theories by

  1. Jean Piaget – Focus on prolonged engagement with single ideas giving students ample processing time;
  2. Zoltan Dienes – Exploratory approaches before formal approaches;
  3. Jerome Bruner – Use of concrete materials to learn abstract concepts;
  4. Richard Skemp – Emphasis on relational understanding;
  5. Lev Vygotsky – Use of interaction and collaboration for student to learn concepts.

Based on these time-tested learning theories, students have opportunities to learn collaboratively through exploration, hone problem-solving skills and apply Mathematics in real-world contexts.

